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Time To Lunch, sandwicherie au goût frais et de qualité à Mont-Saint-Guibert.

Sandwichs, salades, potages, pâtes...

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  • 5/5 score reviewsscore reviewsscore reviewsscore reviewsscore reviews - 17/11/2023

    très bon

sandwicherie-time-to-lunch-mont-saint-guibert-14 sandwicherie-time-to-lunch-mont-saint-guibert-10 sandwicherie-time-to-lunch-mont-saint-guibert-11

Glou Glou

Filet de dinde, philadelphia, tomates, carottes, concombres, cressonette, vinaigrette

3.90 €

The opinions


Score reviews Score reviews Score reviews Score reviews Empty star

Carine G - 17/11/2023

très bon

NOTE: 5/5

Naci Z - 17/03/2023

NOTE: 5/5

Naci Z - 10/03/2023

NOTE: 5/5

Quentin L - 04/11/2022

NOTE: 5/5

Time To Lunch

merci Quentin pour votre appréciation positive

Nathalie S - 10/07/2020

NOTE: 3/5

CAROLINE D - 23/11/2018

NOTE: 5/5

CAROLINE D - 16/11/2018

NOTE: 5/5

LAURELINE V - 18/11/2016

NOTE: 4/5

Fanny N - 05/08/2016

La vinaigrette a mouillé le pain. A retirer des ingrédients car aspect et goût décevant

NOTE: 1/5

Christelle B - 04/03/2016

NOTE: 4/5

Eve S - 29/01/2016

NOTE: 4/5

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Lunch delivery

To pick up at the store
Book at the latest at 10:00 the same day (for all products taken out after 12:00)

Lunch delivery

Noon delivery
Pour une livraison, le montant minimum de la commande est de : 10€

Meeting lunch delivery

Meetings - Event
Commander la veille


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Brussels 1180

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