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'T Kruimelhofke

Goed gelegen, netjes en vriendelijke, snelle bediening. Maar bovenal lekker en gezond, de broodjes zijn heerlijk, en ook de hamburger was een aanrader. Ik blijf graag terugkomen.

Open to online order Order in 2 steps Confirmation by phone or email We call you back on demand

traiteur-t-kruimelhofke-sint-niklaas-17 traiteur-t-kruimelhofke-sint-niklaas-9 sandwicherie-t-kruimelhofke-sint-niklaas-5 sandwicherie-t-kruimelhofke-sint-niklaas-8 traiteur-t-kruimelhofke-sint-niklaas-13 traiteur-t-kruimelhofke-sint-niklaas-14 traiteur-t-kruimelhofke-sint-niklaas-19 traiteur-t-kruimelhofke-sint-niklaas-20


Brie, Gerookte zalm, peterselie en ajuin

7.00 €

The opinions


Score reviews Score reviews Score reviews Score reviews Score reviews

Joao A - 19/04/2024

This time something was not tasting as normally, and I was afraid that something was not OK and put more than hallf of the sandwich in the garbage.

NOTE: 1/5

'T Kruimelhofke

Thank you for the feedback! With a quick phone call at that moment we would have been able to help you by delivering a different sandwich, if it was not to your standards

Firdaous M - 27/01/2023

NOTE: 5/5

'T Kruimelhofke

Dank u

Diana G - 06/04/2022

NOTE: 5/5

'T Kruimelhofke

Dank u

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Lunch delivery

To pick up at the store
Book at the latest at 10:00 the same day (for all products taken out after 12:00)

Lunch delivery

Noon delivery
Bestel ten laatste de dag zelf, voor 10:00(voor alle producten geleverd na 12:00

Meeting lunch delivery

Meetings - Event
Bestellingen de dag op voorhand


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Phone: +32 (0)2/888.71.73

Rue Verhulst, 64
Brussels 1180

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